نظرة عن كثب


Magic Chef

It is an American company owned by Metage, all based in Chicago, USA.

Specializing in the manufacture of refrigerator, frasier, washing machine, botagas, ovens,

Gas cookers, refrigerators, refrigerators of all kinds.

Maintenance and certified service centers

The United Engineering Corporation supports Magic Chef, providing support and technicians,

And engineers trained to serve their customers by submitting a technical support request on the website,

Or call the call center service for fault communications, maintenance and replacement of spare parts.


We provide all spare parts for repairs and maintenance of refrigerators, botagas and many products,

Through the "magic chef" service centers spread throughout the Republic,

And through the online store.

Phone numbers of maintenance power of attorney "Magic Chef" Egypt

  1. Short number 19032
  2. 022267200
  3. 01220804050
  4. 01000550048

Customers inquire about:

Potagas, Maintenance, Powerofer, Agent, Parts, Refrigerator, Botagas, Magic Chef Oven, Egypt.

We are agents of Columbia Corporation, USA for all products.


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We look forward to serving a customer audience of up to one million customers.


Executing customer orders, getting you wherever you are.


Customer service as quickly and cheaply as possible

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